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SCHOOL, WORK or ………………..

I have finished my nursing profession program since one week ago and I do not still have the fixed plan yet. My ambitious dream is continuing my master degree. (If later I am still single, I will apply for abroad scholarship. But if I already married, I will ask for my hubby’s permission). The current problem is I still need to increase my toefl score about 60 points (insyaallah). I asked my senior about that, mr. Azam, who continue his study in Taiwan. He said that if we greedily study, we can upgrade the score for about 30 points each month (this means I can gain 550 points in this september.. amiin)

Furthermore, I have a little consultation to him : if until the end, I can’t achieve the minimum score that LPDP needs, how about if I decided to work first ? mas azam said “wah ndak apa dek irsa, malah saya kerja dua tahun dulu dek buat dapet beasiswa yang sekarang.”. then I asked the same question to mbak indri, ex-lecturer in PSIK UNDIP, she said the same. Mba ofvie, one of me seniors who get scholarship in Taiwan, waited for about one year. The last one, mbak lia, have had worked three years before she got score of ielts 6,5.

Based on those prologue, I started off to see my re-plan future with hardly studying. In addition, the one thing that I realized that THERE IS NO INSTAN PROCCESS to HAVE SOMETHING SUPERB. Everything need a sacrifice, no matter how negligible is that. (ring a bell to myself.. hehe :’). So maybe, in the last three months I will hardly study about TOEFL. If I did not get what I expect, (besides keep learning), I will apply for a job as a Nurse in Rumah Sakit Premier Jakarta (a hospital near my house).

Being a nurse is not about grades, it’s about being who we are. No book can teach you how to cry with patient. No class can teach you how to tell their family that their parents have died or are dying. No professor can teach you how to find dignity in giving someone a bed bath. A nurse is not about the pills or the charting. It’s about being able to love people when they are at their weakest moment (Quoted by I am so proud being a nurse. I hope my patients will feel proud to have me as their nurse. J

Instead of continuing for master degree or applying for a job, I hope I could marry someone. that is the greatest hope for me (I think every girl do so). I have ever asked my favorite lecturer, Mrs. Mediana, “which one I should choose first, school or work?”. And she obviously said “marry first”. In Islam, Marriage is a half of our iman. Marriage is a continuous worship. Marriage is a kindness. I hope I could marry someone who can be completing each other.

I know, ALLAH is a best director. Allah already has a great scenario for me. Either school, work or marry. i am sure that I will catch that. But which one is the first? I let Allah choose it for me, whatever is that, it will be the best path for me. ^^


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