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In daily life, commonly used as calendar are Masehi method that reflecting from the sun rotation to the earth. Islam have our own that use moon sinodic cycle that called hijriyah calendar. You know that masehi calender has 366/365 days each year, but hijriyah calendar is shorter which just has 354 days each year. The differences for about 11 days.

The number of days in a month is so variation, it depend on the position of the moon, the sun and the earth. One month can consist of 29 or 30 days. Reached 30 days, when the Earth is at its furthest position to the moon and vice versa. Reached 29 days, when the Earth is at its closest position to the moon. A new moon marked by the arrival of the crescent that called as hilal. If crescent or hilal is not visible on 29th days, the number of days in a month is rounded to 30 days. We do not have certainty rules in the month which has 30 days or 29 days like Masehi has. It all totally depends on the cycle sinodic moon.

The name of months in hijriyah calendar are Muharram, Safar, Rabi al-Awwal, Rabi 'Al-Thani, Jumadil early, Jumadil akir, rajab, Shaban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Dhu al-Qi'dah and Dzulhijjah. From those months, we have the most popular and special one that named Ramadan which have to fasting all day along in that month. After 29/30 days of fasting, we will have our celebration day in 1th syawwal that called lebaran iedul fitri. For your information, fasting in 1th syawwal is haram (forbidden to do). So we have to clearly put the attention when hilal is coming.

As you know that islam is the largest religion in Indonesia, but we have several groups. the two most dominant group is Muhammadiyan dan Nahdatul Ulama (Goverment). That’s why the reason of our lebaran day which marked as 1th syawwal sometimes (and almost always) different each group. Because each branch has their own method and they said that the most correct method is theirs (sometimes, I feel jengah too because of this)

I am not a follower of both of those groups or another group. But my daddy said just follow and accept what government (NU) said about when the lebaran day. No matter NU is wrong or right, we will have no sin if the day is wrong. Government is responsible for its citizens, so if the government is wrong in determining the Shawwal, the government bear the sins of their people. Whereas if we follow that instead of the government. if it is wrong, we ourselves who bear the sins. Because another group has no responsible for us.

But, this year I was so happy because the lebaran day was same between NU and muhammadiyah. I hope there is no difference argument anymore about the first of syawwal. When the lebaran day was same, every moslem in Indonesia do sholat ied in the same day, one time and together. and it was such a great feeling for me. J


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