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Mom, Mianhe…..

Today , I wake up in the morning and do all my activities (like I said in the previous essay) as usual but I have an additional activity today.. It all about cleaned my kitchen up. there was so messy, unorganized and choked – full. So I started off my day with cleanse my cook room up. Slow but sure, I arranged it with small thing like selecting the stuff, which one my mom sill want to use or throw away. Finally I finished it within two hours (for sure, it was tiring)! After that, I glanced plate cabinet .. hmm.. I thought I should tidy it up too.. so I expelled its content, cleaning the cabinet and washing the plates (and other equipment) then re-organized it. Finally it all clear in 12 AM.

I have nothing to think but my mom. How great she is, doing it all alone without me or my brother’s helping in several months. It seems that i took time too long leaving my mom alone in the last five years. yeah, i always went home each holiday semester during academic years, even then i was a campus activist, so i was back home late and come to semarang earlier than other student. it decreased my time at home automatically. I’ve ever quietly watched her. Partially of her hair already changed into grey, Her skin began to wrinkle and she has sunken eyes now. Mom, are you feel so much tired without your children stay beside you ? mom, am I too long leaving you in this house include the overload job ? .. mom.. mianhe…. :’ ( Dear God… please take care of my mom.. please bigger her heart.. please make her be more and more patient to wait me for making her proud..

I just imagine.. if one day I have my own income, every month I will take my mom to supermarket and ask her to buy everything that she want to buy… I will take her to every place that she want to go.. maybe right know as her personal tukang ojek, I just can drive her with two tires, I hope I can drive her with 4 tires in the future.. amiin

As you know.. my dream for my future family is being extended family !! I am so much excited cz of that :D it will be so nice if in the morning I will prepare the food with my mommy to my hubby and my daddy.. it will be a great moment if my mom take care of me while I am having my pregnancy (amiin yaAllah).. my little family will have a lot of blessing by the attendance of my mom and my daddy (amiinn).. anyway.. my daddy already prepare a small house next to my house for me (and my future husband) and one house also for my brother.. but I am not sure that ihsan will stay in that house due to his current job. So I hope my hubby is the one who follow me where I would like to stay. I hope he will be agreed that :’D (amiin)

So far, I am not a good daughter. I do not make them proud of me yet.. Even so, they were never saying anything, though. Include my condition right know (4 bulan nganggur.. hehehe)..

Anyway my point about being a housewife is a noble job, is not an easy job like we think. We have to manage all the family needs, start from financial, food, stuff and others small things that maybe our father could never imagine, etc. I am so proud with my mom.. she do it all without any complaining. When I asked my mom “should I be a house wife too like you?” and she said wisely “ if you think that your husband can do full supply for financial of your family, just stay at home to take care of your child.. because time to take care of your children is golden period. Don’t loss that chance... but if you want to work, it is not a bad idea, I will take care of my grand child (amiin insyaallah).. but don’t work too hard. If a man do work, the money is for the family, but if you did, your salary is for your own self” hahaha..

so which one is better, mom? :D

whatever is that, as long as my hubby agree of it, I will do it happily. :D


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