How Lucky I am being a student of LIA English Course
Irsalina, 2012.
Oktober 2010, it was the first time I joined of LIA. I got CV 2 class. Now, I am in CV 6. Wow, I have been studying in lia about 2 years (Including my postpone time)!
My teachers from CV 2 until CV 6 are Mrs. Verra, Mrs. Prima, Mr. Kus and Ms kiki. They are really great teacher ! I learned so many things from them.
So many benefits which I got from LIA during I am being a student.
First, I got so many knowledge about english lesson. Not only just studying english, but we were also learning about culture, manner in english, the way to speak, etc. Then, the lessons in guide book of LIA is so important to our daily life, especially for bussiness. We learned about negotiating, bargaining something, applying for a job, learning about interview, presenting material and many others. I have got so many knowledges !
Second, I have so many friends here. Before, I just know friends from my major, nursing science. But, after joining Lia, I knew friends from many major, like economic faculty, mathematics and sains faculty, public health faculty, law faculty, physicology faculty, etc. Some of them being my closest friends now, we still keep in touch even we are not in same class again. I am so happy have so many friends like I got in LIA.
The last, I have so many experiences during I am in LIA. I learned how to be active student. I learn about the confidency how to say my opinion, I learned about how to manage time well (still learn until know).
Yeaa.. I think is enaough... the last statement from me :
Let’s join LIA, and you will get something precious things here that you can’t get outside...
Thanks to : Miss vera who always help me in studying english, Mrs. Prima who alway make me smile everytime I see you. Mr. Kus who always give me spirit to increase my capability, ms. Kiki who always make me as great as you you and last, thanks to RKL who always being my nice partner’during CV 2 until CV 5
catatan :
tugas hukuman karena keseringan bolos..... :D
catatan :
tugas hukuman karena keseringan bolos..... :D
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