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clinical practice in MER-C :)

Sometimes, in my free time.. I've a job as practitioner in MER-C clinic in Semarang downtown

what is MER-C ?
Medical Emergency Rescue Committee is a independent institution that focus on social and voluntary. Mercy not only in Semarang, but it spread in several regions in Indonesia
and the activities of MER-C. besides has clinics, we have social service to publics, we have volunteer team to help the place that got disaster, and many others... and I am the one of MER-C's member.
what is my duty?  
in MER-C clinic, there are one doctor, and one receptionist. doctor make a prescription based on patient's health problem. AND MY duty are reading recipes and looking for a written drug or sometimes grind it first (especially for the children) and then delivering and explaining it to the patients. simple :)
what is the advantages for me to do that?
first, I would have knowledges about drugs.. you know... memorize the name of drugs is not easy.. ranitidin, diazhepam, demacolin, and many others... for me, It hard, but when we are practicing insyaALLAH we will easier to remind it :) 
not only that, but we can see doctor when he handled patients. it likes real lecture ! :) after that we can discuss with doctor about "what is the disease of the patient", "why the disease is like that", "what is our intervention first to handle that", "why the kind of medicine which administered to the patient is like that".. so many other.. it will have so much benefit, especially if you are talkative person.. hihihi :) 
then, I would have new friends! we are not alone, we will have new friends, it can be from medical student or like my major, nursing student.. it was really great, isn't it ? :)
and last.. of course, I would have new knowledge about disease :) 

and... Today is my schedule to go to MER-C, and I was alone from nursing student T_T
but it was OK, there, i've new friends again from medical student mas kesowo KU 2008 and I met dr. Arwin, graduated from Undip also.
and that time, in our free time (where there was no patient come) we were discussed about LUPUS disease.. do you know LUPUS ?
let me tell you in short explanation about LUPUS...Lupus is a antibodies disorder which attacked and injured body. in simple way, for example you have wound in your hand, in normal body, the antibody will come to the place where there is a wound and cure it. but in body's patient which have LUPUS, the antibody not only come to the wound in the hand, but spread to all part of body although there is no wound there... It like surplus army who attacking his own country ... it dangerous, isn't it ?
so as a practitioner, the way that we should do is decreasing antibody with several medicines...
if the patient have reached severe level, he should do blood transfusions regularly..
please said thank to the GOD, friends.. we have healthy body :)

yeah.. that's all my story about my experience yesterday :)

hope you get something usefull in my writing :)


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