Well... The results of my Score Toefl is disappointed
my score is so less from the limit..
just Selly's score which reach the score limit ..
but.. I have one more chance to follow test from SEU undip which will be held on 22 june 2012 in FISIP..
hmmm... hope, I wish luck on that time...
after attended the TOEFL Prediction Test in ILP, I went back to semarang uptown, to handle the other document like healthy letter from doctor..
because I don't know where the place is, I went to my friend's house in SBI, unlucky, He was not in home
After that I was praying zuhur in maskam, then I went back to my boarding house..
at my boarding house, I just tided my room up.. :)
as we know, my room always look messy !
at 3.30 pm, I borrowed some books about hematology and cardiology,, because tomorrow, will be responsi !!! aaaaa...
at 4 pm, I have met to my research team -> The spirit of self care with bu mei, mas azam, mba ike, and mba ayu..and selly too :D
It was great can talk with them :):)
then, I prayed magrib in maskam with Selly
and we dinner together in my boarding house.. I cooked spagethi... yeaaa...
after eating, I attended LIA (It was my last meeting .. huuuuu :( )
now.. I am here.. with hemato and kardi books
preparing my self to do the exam tomorrow...
please pray for me and my friends also :):)
pelajaran hari ini :
my score is so less from the limit..
just Selly's score which reach the score limit ..
but.. I have one more chance to follow test from SEU undip which will be held on 22 june 2012 in FISIP..
hmmm... hope, I wish luck on that time...
after attended the TOEFL Prediction Test in ILP, I went back to semarang uptown, to handle the other document like healthy letter from doctor..
because I don't know where the place is, I went to my friend's house in SBI, unlucky, He was not in home
After that I was praying zuhur in maskam, then I went back to my boarding house..
at my boarding house, I just tided my room up.. :)
as we know, my room always look messy !
at 3.30 pm, I borrowed some books about hematology and cardiology,, because tomorrow, will be responsi !!! aaaaa...
at 4 pm, I have met to my research team -> The spirit of self care with bu mei, mas azam, mba ike, and mba ayu..and selly too :D
It was great can talk with them :):)
then, I prayed magrib in maskam with Selly
and we dinner together in my boarding house.. I cooked spagethi... yeaaa...
after eating, I attended LIA (It was my last meeting .. huuuuu :( )
now.. I am here.. with hemato and kardi books
preparing my self to do the exam tomorrow...
please pray for me and my friends also :):)
pelajaran hari ini :
GA BOLEH SOMBONG !ga boleh banyak omong !perbaiki diri !jangan asal ngomong !hormati perasaan orang lain !harus optimal dalam kegiatan, ga cuma asal ikut!relax. tenang !
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