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After finishing my study in UNDIP, I have had so much story behind. You can imagine that I spent my ¼ time of life in Semarang. So I got so many stories to tell. Lately, when I was thinking back, I miss the time when the first time i came to Semarang. I have no friend, no family, no relatives, no much money, no internet modem and no motorcycle. Which strangely is, when I do not had anything at the time, now I think that was when I had everything. So confusing right? Yeah.. This might not be easy to understand. But, I will tell you how precious my life at that time.

When i do not have motorcycle, I went to anywhere by foot or take public transportation. that's why I was so thin. hehe. In the early morning, I already was out of my dorm to walk to campus. Why do I have to go out as early as possible? There were wireless fidelity (WI-FI) in campus for completing the task. That situation was so quiet and so calm. That was the best condition for me and myself to think, to learn and to study. I can say that it was my way to do meditation. After the lecture was over, I would come to the university library for just borrowing some books or looking for a quiet place to sit and do the task again. Mostly, I used my time to study over and over again. Did I look like diligent student ? :p At that time, I have not had any problems, not have the organization, yet has the mandate and other things. My focus was only study. It made me not have any stress at all. 

In campus, I have no close friends yet. So I did everything by myself. I was a calm person and not very active in class, probably not many of friends and lecturers who know me. Most of my friend do in a groups with friends who come from the same region or place, they also used the Java language which so i can’t understand yet what they talk each other.Even worse, I was not an easy person to socialize. (That was all just happened in the first semester, you know, time for doing the adaptation).

If I could return to the last five years, I will really do my best, I will avoid steps which will make me rewind and spit out the spirit, I will avoid the people who will make me fall, I would do an evaluation for myself and carefully think before taking any action. I will be more involved activities and organizations. I would think more about others than myself. But time flies and we can’t change everything. I have nothing to regret anyway. As I know, everything happened in the past make me stronger in the future. If I don’t have anything bad experience, maybe I am a weak person now. J

What I can do is make it to be a lesson that never ends for me. Thanks for all the sweet and bitter story I have ever experienced in Semarang, it would be something precious in my life.


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