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Thesis Research Plan ..

I am so glad that I have so many seniors who guided me to increase my capability more and more related to my study. Yeah.. insyaallah I will be studying abroad to continue my study next year. So, this year I have to finish my thesis proposal. I’ve planned to continue my final paper (when i was still a bachelor student) to be more complex . Actually, I am still confused about the methodology and target of population of my research I should use. 

Firstly, I have two choices about the target of population which are correctional and disaster setting. I have my interest on those objects. Fyi, My final paper was about correctional setting. So, I have a little experiences of how the condition of inmates in prisons. I feel that I have so many unresolved home works there. I wanna do a lot of usefull things to fix them. I am so empathic with inmates there. Seriously, I really wanna do something more apart of focus on my final paper. As a nurse, I saw so many mental disorder cases that we need to fix. 

The other of my interest is disaster setting. Why disaster setting? .. okey, let me tell you a little about my experience when I was as a bachelor student. I had joined a social organizational which focused about disaster, especially post traumatic mental disorder to the victim of disaster. Based on my experiences, disaster left a huge problem, not only material such us lost possessions, homes collapsed or many others, but also grief that may be because of the death of loved ones or feeling disappointed over what has happened. That problem very risky to push someone experiencing stress, depression or more severe is PTSD. Of course, as nurse I feel it should be prevented from aggravating of the situation. Because of those reason, I am so confuse which one I should focus about ? correctional or disaster setting ???

secondly, i confused about methodology. Basically, I want to do something useful for my surrounding. I don’t wanna use them (respondent) as a “tools” for finish my final paper. I want to do something beneficially for my respondent, that’s why I chosen experimental research instead of just description, comparing or any other. Yeaa.. consequently, I needed to work harder than my friends did. but it was okay, I was very glad to did it. Nevertheless, we have a problem to do so for thesis, one of my senior said in the university where she study for do experimental research has a complicated regulation which is not easy like bachelor degree in Indonesia.

It need a long and complex process that make the research so much difficult to do. We have to do such an initial research for about 6 months before we do the real one. 

The core problem is about the timing. I myself will have LPDP as my scholarship (amiin, insyaAllah). As we knew that LPDP only provide us only two years for master degree, if we can’t finish the study for two years, so we need to pay everything by ourselves to survive, it will be so hard… so what should I do ?? 

I will carefully think about this important issues, I hope I can get enlightenment about my future research and can get the best university which happily accept my thesis plan :)


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