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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.... : )

Since from last year, I just have little knowledge about this therapy. Nevertheless, I don’t learn it further. It's not because I don't want to do so.but I have so many things to do so the theory about this therapy just passed by in my mind. Hehe.

But, the condition was changing now. I have so much free time (of course after I helped my mom) and I think that this is my turn to learn what I want to know more.. yeahh.. Let us greet cognitive behavioral therapy : )

Ssst… lemme tell you a secret.. (maybe) I am going to use this therapy for my thesis next year, insyaallah amiinn… : )

So what is CBT ? CBT is an alliance of therapies that used for individual with mental health disorder which is connecting the links between how we think, feel and behave. This therapy can be use dby someone who have had no success with other kinds of treatment. Commonly, a person who get CBT as his therapy who need a multiple and complex treatments.

The uniqueness from CBT is patient needs to fully realize that he is sick and he ask to be cured by the trained specialist. from this point we can see that CBT need a active patient who consciously take the treatments. This is a two-way treatment. CBT is less like a single intervention and more like a familiy of treatments and practices.

What is meant by trained specialist is qualified health practitioner who have had specific training in CBT. The general clinical skills required of the practitioner include the abilities to establish a collaborative therapy, to assess and address complications of mental disorder. Diagnoses by practitioner Is necessary in order to determine which, if any, of the CBT techniques are best suited for a particular individual.

Then, let us talk more about the CBT itself. As I said before that the main point about CBT is psychological treatment that addresses the interactions between how we think, feel and behave. DIfferent people can think differently about the same event. The way in which we think about an event influences how we feel and how we act. By identifying dysfunctional thought and by learning to think differently about their experiences, people can feel differently about these experiences, and in turn, behave differently.

So confusing right ? hehe. Lemme give you an example. A depressed person has so much negative thought in his mind (sometimes he even did not realized). if there is someone who ignore him. He will thing that "he is a boring man" and feel so sad about that. he just focused on it more and more and become even more stress. But the question is if there is someone else who treat him very well, did he realize it and feel so blessed because of it ? definitely no. his thought just only and only focused on negative think and so that affect his behave and what he feel.

I will give you another example. Hmm.. there is a woman who had bad experience with stranger in the past. It can be the stranger robbed her or do anything bad thing to her. That experience will affect how her think about stranger. So then, she can be so panic if there is a stranger who look at her. She will think that the stranger want to do something worse to her and she feel so unsafe. Although it did not really happen, that bad thoughts are only made by herself as a result of the experience of past event.

Well this is where the role of CBT itself that help clients to really focus on the problem or the conditions that happening now. CBT helps client to filter and manage what should and should not be considered to think. and we hope through CBT, client has a good influence to their feelings and behavior .

Oke.. I think that’s all I could gave to you. This information I’ve got from Faculty of Health Sciences Simon Fraser University about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

pray for me that can be successful and beneficial to the public through my research in the future along with CBT. amiinn



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