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Showing posts from August, 2015

Hello World :)

Hello world. I never been feeling life is so confusing like todays. I have so many options. But it didn’t solve the problem “what the best I do for my life and family?”.. oh yaa. Let you know that I got rejected from the hospital I applied because I did not attach my certificate of nursing (STR). I have could knew from the start.. but I still did it anyway. And I don’t have anything to regret cause the experience was amazing. I just applied a position in BUMN job through online registration. It didn’t spend much energy. But I know, it will has a thousand even billionaires of applicant. Hmm. Even then, I have tried. So yeah. You can call me a job seeker. Hehe…. Sometimes I wonder myself what I am looking for ? But, I decided to knock every single door. Which one that opened for me, it might be the best for me. Insyaallah. Umm.. I have a new secret.. I have been preparing something great for six month later. So it will be okay for me to stay cool at homey. Hehehe :D I will put my best ef...
yang saya inginkan adalah.. mencintai seperti karotis yang berdenyut menandakan kehidupan mengasihi seharmonis pertukaran O2 dan CO2 dalam kapiler menjalani hidup sesederhana bernafas.

kebun raya bogor. the first and the last.

Here I am waiting,  I'll have to leave soon Why am I holding on? We knew this day would come,  we knew it all along How did it come so fast? This is our last night but it's late And I'm trying not to sleep Cause I know, when I wake,  I will have to slip away And when the daylight comes  I'll have to go But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own But tonight I need to hold you so close kebun raya bogor 16 Agustus 2015


Aku akan menunggu Untuk kereta yang pasti akan datang Tapi aku tidak akan berlama-lama Untuk kereta yang tidak memiliki kepastian St. Pondok cina 16082015 1301

mba efni's wedding

I can’t believe that Mba Efni’s marriage would be happen this year. I am incredibly happy for her. Finally, after a long journey of her love story, she found the real one, Mas Sigit. I knew that Mba Efni is a nice and sholehah girl. And I hope with mas sidik, they can build a rumah tangga yang samawa . I wanna tell you about the completely detailed story of mba efni’s wedding.  I went from Jakarta at 7 o’clock in the morning (4th of august). Then, Enjul picked me up at the tawang station at 14.00. We went to Pati by enjul’s motorcycle. I was the one who riding it. During the trip, enjul and I shared so many stories about us. we told each other about the news updated issues we have. I am so in love touring with a motorcycle. Likely, It has its chemistry.  We arrived at Mba Efni’s house around 17.00. she looked immensely pretty with scarf and long shirt. Actually, She is so beautiful from the start. But that day I think that her beauty extremely increased. She friendl...

confusing days

Hello world. I never been feeling life is so confusing like the recent days. I have so many options. But it didn’t solve the problem yet. “what the best I do for my life and family?”.. what kind of work, huh? oh yaa. Let you know that I got rejected from the hospital I applied before because I did not attach my certificate of nursing, the most important one for a nurse (STR). I have could knew from the start.. but I still did it anyway. And I don’t have anything to regret cause the experience that i got was amazing. yesterday, I just signed up for a position in BUMN through online registration. It didn’t spend much energy. But I know, it will has a thousand even billionaires of applicant. Hmm. Even then, I still have tried it. So yeah. You can call me the real job seeker. Hehe…. Sometimes I wonder myself what I am looking for ? But, I decided to knock every single door. Which one that opened for me, it might be the best for me. Insyaallah. Umm.. I have a new secret.. I have been prepa...

Quote of the day

Doa yang baik itu doa tangan kosong -feniya Jodoh itu akan diberikan Allah ketika kita sudah benar-benar pasrah dengan jawaban Allah -mba efni Pati.

I need home

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Everyone has their own dream. Me too. Mine is so great and not easy. But i think i should delay it for now. Cause home needed me so much No, i mean.. i need home. I cant leave home. Allah tahu, tapi sedang menunggu.. Semoga akan ada jalan baik untuk sekarang dan hari esok. Menoreh. Gerbong 6 kursi 11A


After finishing my study in UNDIP, I have had so much story behind. You can imagine that I spent my ¼ time of life in Semarang. So I got so many stories to tell. Lately, when I was thinking back, I miss the time when the first time i came to Semarang. I have no friend, no family, no relatives, no much money, no internet modem and no motorcycle. Which strangely is, when I do not had anything at the time, now I think that was when I had everything. So confusing right? Yeah.. This might not be easy to understand. But, I will tell you how precious my life at that time. When i do not have motorcycle, I went to anywhere by foot or take public transportation. that's why I was so thin. hehe. In the early morning, I already was out of my dorm to walk to campus. Why do I have to go out as early as possible? There were wireless fidelity (WI-FI) in campus for completing the task. That situation was so quiet and so calm. That was the best condition for me and myself to think, to learn and ...


I have so many free time in home. After I do my “job” in home in every morning, I really have nothing to do. Usually, I watched television, chatted with some friends, studied about nursing material, make an essay and many others. Then the night comes, So, I sleep and wake up the next morning and do the same thing again. That routinity happens every day since the first day I came. Hmm.. I can’t say that what I did is bad. I mean, I helped my mommy, I learned how to cook right, I studied… but I don’t have the specific target, what I want to be. That’s so important to measure my ability. Otherwise, I wasted my time every single day. I should make some targets everyday and do the fix schedule. For example, I should know about one recipes each day. I should read the nursing journal, I should make an essay, I should read one page of nursing book. So each day would not be gone so fast like this. Everyday has its own value. One month in home without any pressure, making me so lazy to do ...