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UNESCO 2nd Youth Forum Looking Beyond disaster (SENDAI-JAPAN)

What event is it ?
2nd looking beyond disaster youth forum is an event which held by UNESCO in Sendai, Japan. In this forum, participants especially youth discussed and presented an issue which have correlated with disaster.

Where are participants from ?
Participants came from Korea, Nepal, UK, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, Philipin, Thailand, Japan, and Indonesia. Delegates from Indonesia dominate this forum. :D

Participants should have experiences about disaster and passion to increase knowledge and ability to face disaster. Their experiences were turned into an essay then be selected as the candidates to join this forum.

what we did in this forum ?
we did sendai trip to matsusima and several places around matsusima. This place was  hit by tsunami a year ago.  


beach which hit by tsunami

all delegates

Then, during 3 days, all delegates had to present their own action plan in this forum. Action plan is an idea  which have correlation with disaster. Action plan should have a big impact to society.
After we back to our own country, we have to do our action plan and report the progress to Unesco ! 

I was presenting :D
action plan from Indonesian delegates
about Indonesian Youth Network towards Disaster Resilience

what is my action plan ?? My community (Social Volunteer) and I want to build disaster school in village near my campus. Target in this plan is elementary school student with non formal method.

besides presentation, we also disscused in a group about some issues.
in the end of activities, we have farewell party.. each country can show their performance. Delegates from indonesia did poco poco dance.

group discussing (Indonesia ft. Japan)
about disaster education

What about fee ?
Registration fee for this forum is 20000 yen for high school student, 22000 yen for college student, and 24000 yen for public.
We can use our own money or sponsor. 

Conclusion :
It was really a great forum.  How lucky I am for being one of participants here. I got many experiences. I got many acquaintances  from other countries, I got many beautiful memories with all participants.. I love you all guys :)... 

rey, gita, ka arka, ka anhar, ka icha, ka Ita, ka ika, ka windi, ka rica, ka teguh, juli, ka ahmad, ka maria, ka rizki, fani, chalida (indonesian), kengo naruta, kenta shimada, ayana, haruya, tsuyosi, yuta (japanese), sarita, bui (thailand),  farah, riro, roma, CJ (philipinos),  mrinal (nepalese ), so yon (korean) and all  participants from pakistan, australia, new zealand, UK,  finlandia. I hope we can meet again .. love and miss you always :)

chibi-chibi style 

photo of all participants

japanese and indoensian delegates
me and japanese friends :D

korean dance !! :D
me and kenta  (japan) join with korean :D

our hotel :)

Open this link also .. if you want to watch our video activities in Looking Beyond Disaster Forum :):)

all of participant got certificate

for 3rd LBD will be held in philippines next year :)

besides that, I also visited some nice places in japan..





I don't know the name (building behind me)
but it is really unique building.. hahah

sendai masjid :D
iedul fitri :)
kuala lumpur airport
with gita and kak anhar

Thank you for :
1. Allah SWT, who has gave me a chance to catch my dream
2. My parents, who finnaly gave me support to join with this forum.
3. Mrs. Meidiana Dwidiyanti who gave me a nice advise “Project kebaikan sponsornya Allah”. And now I believe it a lot.
4. Mr. Asih Nur A, who posted information about Looking Beyond Disaster in our nursing web 
5. My inspirator : Ms Sri Hindriyastuti, who gave me her all contribution, time, idea, and support to me.  I  I miss you mbak :’)
6. Mrs Hartati, who posted information about Looking Beyond Disaster in Suara merdeka
7. My besties, Selly Hning Pangestuti. I will keep my promise, and I will wait for yours :p
8. Mba Desca and Gita who really help me a lot in Japan :*
6. All of my sponsor : PKPU, Diponegoro University, United Tractor,  and Beasiswa Unggulan. thank you so much
7. all parties who gave me support 

And last..

Thank you for my dreams :)



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