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Showing posts from May, 2015

To be better person

Alin, i knew that you are not good enough. But it's ok as long as you have plan to change Just be calm. Everythings is gonna be ok Trust to Allah.. Trust to him.. Respect to Allah Believed in him He never make you dissapointed He already prepare the best way for you. :) Use your time effectively Use your word carefully And pray harder to Allah.. Eropa,, australia,, salahsatunya insyaallah jalannya alin, amin :)

Janji magelang

Dear future... I am be more optimistic about you I am be more happier about you I am be more excited bout you Today, i ,again, promise to myself that i will pray and study harder and harder I will be struggle hard to study abroad. Aussie, japan, taiwan.. or wherever that Allah think it will be the best place for me..,. I ll be there,, Nothing worth having comes easy Insyaallah amin... Janji magelang with mba reni Magelang 28 mei 2015

Kenyamanan hati

By this time, i wrote this while i am doing my toefl I sat in the 2nd floor.. hearing the sound of animal and also my mp3 Tonight is really calm, i feel it so comfortable.. Here i am, with a billion of dreams Always change myself to be better and better And one thing i believe There is no dream too high as long as we have full of action to catch it Australia. Monash Tunggu irsa ya, tunggu,, :)
cinta adalah menerima ketidaksempurnaan dengan sempurna. :')

35 hari di Magelang

Target harian : 1. baca 1 jurnal 2. buat 1 esai 3. kelarin persyaratan scholarship (surat rekomendasi dan esai) LOLOS BEASISWA LPDP KE AUSTRALIA !! :') AMIIN

being 23

what do you think of being 23 years old girl ? that's what I am. being 23rd y.o. is not about how many cakes that you got from your friend. it is not about ho expensive the gift for your birthday. no. it's absolutely no. being 23rd y.o is all about the change of role about who you are. you are not kids anymore even a teen. you are adult. a mature adults that you supposed to do be. you need to carefully think about which way that you want to explore you need to make your goal of life.. you need to decide, what you are looking for, what you want to be.. hmm. irsalina... you are an ambitious girl. you are optimistic girl.. you are a dreamer... i hope myself can have anything that i wish for. hope ALLAH give you the best thing for me. whatever He do, it is the great things for me... school, work, marry.... hhmmm :') i give all my problem to you Dear GOD amiiin rumah 4 mei 2015